Because the book is sold as homoerotic novel, I decided to respect the original character of the first version. These are:
FabianXC Dirty, dirty, sex!
And now;) to important :
When her sister runs off with the father her unborn child, Emmanuel Malory does not even bother. What better than having to Ely apartment only man you just met in front of a cemetery in Paris? But this man is not like all that often take to bed, not even human. Flashing green eyes, black hair and a wicked smile always on his face. So Alexieu, a demon of over six thousand years ... Although this magnificent being kept too many secrets: who is the father of the son of Valerie? How Emmanuel's mother died? Where is Charles Malory, the father of two brothers missing for maamp; oacute n e-mail. More information on the site itself PayPal
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