unny make it... and it was so much more fun eating...
well, we said... ryo and okhura were very hard, (okhura was sweating also),
it doesn't matter what we do.. subaru and maru didin't want to be as hard as we want it!!!
yoko was the wear of the night, just like real yoko, but after you taste it you know that he was very good!!
yasu.. well, he need to shine so he has the perfect level of hardness and he also has cream on it... (we didn't put it.. it just.. appear.. o.O)
Shingo was also hard.. and for some reason we wants to be like yoko... ( he look more dark than purple.. XD) finally uchi comeback!! XD he was hard in seconds!! really he was prepared for the wot this ... uu
------------------------------------------ Them!
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