Thursday, November 13, 2008

Echo440 Laser Rangefingerbrunton From the Moon Circus

When I woke up That morning, the first thing I did WAS Taking the big piece of paper under my pillow and asleep reading it: "Circus from the Moon - In your town next week." Well, it WAS Monday at last.

breakfast Mum Had Already Prepared When I stepped Into the kitchen. I ate Quickly, distracted by clowns making jokes in my head. When I finished it, I ran to the backyard to pick up my little bicycle. Before I left home, Mum Gave me a kiss over the eyes and Said Something about lunch, the golden parrots, take care and have fun.

I Moved Through the dusty road nicely, straight to the hills. The air WAS delicious, clear and perfumed by the spring hanging on the trees. The Sun WAS high, shining up in the sky. Therewas an only tiny cloud in a corner of the blue roof.

I had just crossed the bridge over the red river when I reached the place where the big tent was waiting.

Everything was calm, everyone seemed to be snoozing. I forgot about my bicycle and walked up to the edge of the purple tent. A golden parrot in a cage was the sentinel of the entrance, it was snoring.

Quietly, I passed by the sentinel and got inside the tent. It was so dark inside; I couldn’t see anything at first. It was cold. I walked slowly until my feet recognized the sound of the sand. I was in the centre of the arena.

I examined the air over my head; I could see something up there, a thin white line. An uncertain creature was walking over it. I figured out that it was an equilibrist, a girl of silver skin. I was mesmerized. She seemed to be weightless.

Suddenly, she stopped in the middle of the line. She looked down and I could see her deep blue eyes. She smiled for me.

My heart stopped for a long second. The next moment I was riding my bicycle back home. I felt strange; terrified, I thought.

Now that I remember this, I see that it was the first time I fell in love.


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