Bored, I started doing this poster Mathias, Ash seme of Sodom.
is absolutely everything done in Photoshop:)
The song you see there is Somewhere I belong, Linkin 'Park. Mathias is going perfect, because it is a somewhat melancholy character. Accepts that he is gay, but afraid of what might be ...
I am currently devoting Between heaven and hell , a novel that will be the first of the trilogy.
& nbsp;
SODOM take one of the many threads and composed a new novel, with characters new and different.
Same with MOON PIE, but it will be much closer than the first book SODOM.
Oh, I have to get to betear my anthology tales ... What laziness XD
take this post to thank Aurora Seldon , Durán Aura Maríny Island, for having put in SlasHeaven the new banner of the Web my novel:

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