Sunday, September 3, 2006

Starbucks Hot Cocoa Caffeine

! Hello!

I want to thank you for staying interested in each installment of this story is indeed very gratifying that you will enjoy it because each chapter tries to solve a puzzle at a time in history. In a matter of some argument as the Korean nuclear explosions, I want to offer a sincere apology without connecting thread in the plot at this time, but do not worry that all aspects are and will be resolved come the time (eg the daily Cornelius)

And for those who fear the unexpected end of the series do not worry, if anything like the show will last up to twenty chapters and I promise that the end will be as unexpected as creative in your argument.

Many thanks to allyou for your support and compression, for this interest in history and it is you who to ultimately motivate each story follow up.


Antonio Luna


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