Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Is It Okay To Give Pearl Necklace At Shower? By: Crazy

Clara, the girl named Clara. This morning I found what was left of it. He wore a coat with the name behind the school and class to which he belonged.

What happened last night at the end they went, they could not enter. Maybe they got bored, maybe they forgot about me (actually I had seen and when one is in a corner shaking with fear I assure you that no noise). I do not know or care. After an eternity hitting just went blind.

But they were about an hour and a half pounding my ears and my nerves, waiting for the moment they got in and kill me. At one point I thought I'd make it, I sincerely believed crossed the blind see. Say it was causedsa lack of sleep and power (take two days without eating nothing but energy bars) and the state of shock as I was. Obviously not, but I believe it. I believed so much that I took the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger.

I was lucky, very lucky. He had not taken insurance. I thank God for not knowing how to use a weapon or conditions would not be here now. Opening my eyes I realized that I had entered, they were still insisting on giving me a concert banging the door and the blind.

around here say they are dead. I do not know. Just know that what I saw last night does not a human being of sound mind. And this morning I saw that some had to hit the shutter toshatter their hands, because the streams of blood that decorate impressive.

I have things to do, I have to find food and look at the fuel generators or try going to a safer place than this. I just know I have to do something. I can not stand still waiting to come after me. Al


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